Embark on a whimsical survival adventure in "Bunny's Quest" as an endearing yet unfortunate bunny in the enchanting realm of Mystara. Struggling to survive in a world where energy is scarce, you discover the ancient article of "Attention Is All You Need" along with the transformative structure of the Transformer. With these newfound abilities, you gain the power to shift forms into other animals at pivotal moments. Are you ready to explore, adapt, and overcome the challenges that await? Join now and transform your destiny in this captivating journey!

EcoMorphs - By Charlie Dreemur and Maxwell Yang

WSAD for Move

Press J for Attack

Hold U to Transform (longer length = different forms)

Forms & Abilities

- Rabbit: Eat grass, gain points for transformation

- Fox: Normal Attack

- Deer: Charge Attack and eat grass

- Wolf: Strong Charge Attack

Large size means more energy cost


You ask for a bear?



Webgl.zip 11 MB

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